​European Journal of Operational Research publishes HDU Wang Yi’s Paper

Announcer:伟德BETVlCTOR1946公共賬号Release time:2020-06-17Views:359

On June 1 2020,European Journal of Operational Research online published a paper Optimal Production and Inventory Rationing Policies with Selective-information Sharing and Two Demand Classes” by Dr. Wang Yi came from School of Management of HDU. The paper characterizes the optimal production and inventory allocation strategy of an enterprise in a selective information sharing system. Through a large number of numerical experiments, the influence of different characteristics of supply chain members on the choice of information sharing partners is revealed.


Last year, International Journal of Production Research published Dr. Wang Yi’s paper "Anticipated rationing policy for inventory systems with two demand classes and backlogging costs "as the first author. This paper proposes a new heuristic inventory management strategy that can flexibly allocate inventory to different demands. Based on a proposed solution algorithm, the actual operation data of spare parts management in an oil refining enterprise is used to verify the effectiveness of this strategy compared with traditional methods.


The full papers can be found on 


